Climate Ready Boston
Branding, logo, & Web design | Layout
Climate Ready Boston is an initiative to develop resilient solutions which will prepare Boston for climate change. Housed within broader city initiatives under the umbrella of Boston 2030, the visual language for the
project had to respond harmoniously to this existing visual framework while also positioning this initiative as a bold new venture.
The ambition was to express the findings, including major vulnerabilities and dilemmas, and communicate these in a non-alarmist, approachable way. With this in mind, the tone of the initiative was defined as optimistic and buoyant to inspire action. The main challenge for the logo design was to convey the importance of this initiative while adding energy to the conversation on climate readiness—a topic that is often mired in tedious language. The approach combines the stability of bold, geometric letter-forms with a vibrant palette to strike this balance, creating a mark that feels both powerful and upbeat.
The visual language established within the logo was translated into
numerous pieces of collateral, including PowerPoint templates, project
reports, and a web presence.
Work completed while at Sasaki.